
2/12. Pockets of Memories.

Created an events page on Facebook, for MY SECRET VALENTINE 2010 for TR22;
And, I can't help but stop and think; in wonder? In amazement? That, 3 years, is coming to an end.

12 Feb will be the last day, for lectures, tutorials, quizzes, and whatnots.
And then, it will be finals.
And that's the end, of the "Ngee Ann Experience";
I just, can't believe it!

Before coming into Poly, many people had told me how, Poly life, will not be as fun as Secondary school; and how mean, it could be, at times.
And, yes, although there were some tears shed, I could honestly only remember and recall the happy times;

I have honestly changed, and it was through some truly special people here, that had helped changed and shaped me into who I am now.

Thank you so much; for being here; and for impacting my life.

There is a reason for everything; and there is even more reasons; why some people; are in my life now; Each one of you are so dear, and everyone of you have a special place in my heart.

The girls; needless to say; you've been a huge part of my life since year one, when we sat and ate together, a huge group of strangers;
My TWO besties; who had seen me through some really hard times; HAPPY times; and of course, for being there when I needed you the most!

The guy friend:), for showing me how a friendship between genders should be; LOL! Thanks for showing me a different side;

Those people that I had worked with; Weijian, Peixian, Ziyu, Jann, Sam, Tim, So many more; Yuxue, Cat, Kah Eng, Jem, Bridget;

I was so glad, that I've got a chance to work with you guys; and the projects, the slides, the videos; I remember them vaguely, but I remember the fun that we had; (:

These small little pockets of memories.

As you can see; I've got a problem with saying "goodbye"; and I know that, the last, actual CLASS event that we are going to have; MY SECRET VALENTINE; will be full of memories and picture stills, that I will cram into my head.

We're all moving on, into seperate ways; into the army, University, overseas, work force;
It's just, mind blowing; to think that, we've transitioned into a new phase in life, together; and I guess, like what everyone's saying; once you hit that 20s; your life will just be zooming by;

10 year from now; or even 5; will just be so; exciting; and vibrant; and; just so wow.(:
I'm truly glad, to have been a small part of your life(:

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