
We Were Grads, And Then We Were Geeks;

Best day of my life; and also the most surreal;
Can't believe that I'm finally a Graduate; not even when I'm in my gorgeous Grad Gown;
The three years of hard work, sweat and tears have finally paid off; and now; all of us are on different paths; pursuing our different dreams;

It's just so amazing; and also a little daunting; to know that at 20; we are ready to move on to the next phase in life; and LIVE IT.

The Grad Party the next day was amazing! Kudos to the Organizing Committee; the venue was amazing and so was the food! Can't believe that the pasta tasted soo good; with nothing but the tomato sauce;
The Illusionist; the games; the video and the mini after party was just as fabulous! But what's really awesome was the THEME; I can't believe how hilarious every looked!

And I can truly say that this three years were one of the best I've ever had;
And it is especially amazing due to some of the most fantabulous people that I've ever met; and you know who you are!


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